Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc
Available to Farm, Home, and Community buildings for all uses subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. Single phase at available secondary voltages. Interconnected, consumer-owned qualifying generation not greater than 50kw capacity. Three phase service available at the option of the Cooperative.
Monthly Billing Rates:
Monthly Service Charge (200 amp & below) $ 30.00
(201 - 400 amps) $37.00
(401 - 600 amps) $44.00
Charge per kilowatthour for all kwh $ 0.0912
Surplus generation credit for all reverse-metered
kilowatthours ** $ 0.04
**Any reverse-metered generation as of the closing reading of any month will be credited to the consumer’s bill in accordance with the above calculation. The reverse metered rate being established by the cooperative’s avoided cost of power excluding transmission charges, based upon the combined annual average of the cooperative’s effective wholesale rate contracts.
A credit balance greater than $100.00 remaining after all charges and credits have been applied to the twelfth month of an annual period may be paid by check to the member at the discretion of the Cooperative.
Credit will not be applied for reverse-metered generation that is based upon estimated readings.
Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc
Available to Non-Farming Business and Commercial enterprises, schools and any other non-residential service (not covered in Sch.A) requiring up to 100 kva of transformer capacity, for all uses subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. Single phase at available secondary voltages. Three phase service available at the option of the Cooperative. Demand is based upon a rolling demand.
Monthly Billing Rates:
Monthly Service Charge (200 amp and below) $ 30.00
(201 - 400 amps) $37.00
(401 - 600 amps) $44.00
Charge per kilowatthour for first 2,800kwh $ 0.093
Demand Charge on peak over 30kw** $ 6.75
Surplus generation credit for all reverse-metered
kilowatthours ** $ 0.04
**Any reverse-metered generation as of the closing reading of any month will be credited to the consumer’s bill in accordance with the above calculation. The reverse metered rate being established by the cooperative’s avoided cost of power excluding transmission charges, based upon the combined annual average of the cooperative’s effective wholesale rate contracts.
A credit balance greater than $100.00 remaining after all charges and credits have been applied to the twelfth month of an annual period may be paid by check to the member at the discretion of the Cooperative.
Credit will not be applied for reverse-metered generation that is based upon estimated readings.
Effective January 2025