The Cooperative is governed by a board of seven directors. Directors are elected by the membership at the Annual Members Meeting for three-year terms. Terms are staggered so that no more than three director positions stand for election in a single year. Directors are elected by the membership at large, but director candidates must be a member of the Cooperative and must reside in the director district for which they are running. The current members of the Board of Directors are
District #1 - Bill Spencer, Grangeville
District #2 - Warren Meisner, Kamiah
District #3 - Martin Poxleitner, Vice President, Grangeville
District #4 - Bruce Nuxoll, Secretary, Kooskia
District #5 - Frank McIntire, Kamiah
District #6 - Jim Poxleitner, President, Cottonwood
District #7 - Dean Klement, White Bird

Directors L-R: Martin Poxleitner, Bill Spencer, Bruce Nuxoll, Jim Poxleitner, Frank McIntire, Greg Smith, Dean Klement